Status of BB305 and the Liquor License

To date, Circle K has yet to apply for a liquor license (we are watching that like a hawk).
On a personal note, it makes me frustrated and a bit paranoid that CK is wasting the city's time getting the ball rolling on the rezoning when they need to be focusing on the liquor license. Why are they pushing for rezoning when it is contingent on a liquor license application that is likely to fail -- unless they have something else up their sleeve?
On Canvassing
Neighbor Felicia Foland has been doing a fantastic job canvassing the neighborhood and recently wrote in: “I see that the few people I spoke with really didn't know what to think of the gas station, so it is imperative we keep talking to neighbors in person, even if we repeat visits from neighbor to neighbor. I think we need to get the word out before the liquor petitioners show up!”If you are interested in visiting with property owners, registered voters, and/or business occupants within the proposed Petition Circle, but need a few talking points, here are a few to help (do not feel you have to use these):
What is being proposed?
The Circle K at the corner of Jamieson and Fyler is interested in:
- Purchasing (a contract is pending) and rezoning the adjacent residential property to the east of its current location
- Razing both the house and the current Circle K to build a mega store with (according to their YouTube walk-through) a 20 pump stations (there are currently 10)
- Obtaining a liquor license to sell bulk beer and wine
Why is this bad for the neighborhood?
A larger station will bring:
- Lower residential property values
- Increased traffic at and around Jamieson and Fyler; an intersection already congested and dangerous
- Increased air, noise, and light pollution
- Increased trash around the neighborhood
What can the community do?
Circle K must obtain a majority of signatures within a 350ft radius Petition Circle. If those property owners, registered voters, and business occupants refuse to sign the petition for a liquor license, then the City will reject the application. Circle K has stated they are only interested in expanding if they can sell liquor. No liquor license means no expansion.
'SAY NO' Lawn Signs
Neighbor Brian Alcaraz has made 50 lawn signs for neighbors to put into their yards to let the community know the the Circle K expansion is bad for the neighborhood. If you would like one, please email him at bjtraz@yahoo.comThe Community is Talking
If you are interested in reading and/or commenting with the Lindenwood Park neighborhood online, I recommend checking out:Facebook > Lindenwood Park Neighborhood in St. LouisTrolls are everywhere on the Internet and I’ve seen a few outspoken people in both locations who have thrown a lot of vitriol, pushing for the expansion with little data.
Nextdoor > Lindenwood
I would ask anyone who engages to not escalate the nonsense with accusations and absolutes ("always", "never", etc.). If you must engage, try to use facts you can reference. Take comfort in knowing that the majority of the people on these boards will not be in the Petition Circle and will not be the ones deciding. Engaging face-to-face with our neighbors and friends in the Petition Circle is our best way of defeating this.
Thank you for being part of the solution,
Thank you for the tips regarding addressing trolls on the internet and speaking from a point of reference. We become a data statistic once a gas station twice as large goes up, until then, I fail to find home prices rising around gas stations in my data search.